Fri, Feb 28, 2020, 05:30 AM - Thu, Feb 10, 2028, 05:30 AM
IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. This procedure is mainly performed when conceiving a baby natural way is not possible. IVF treatment assist parents to get their dream come true and fill them with the joy of parenthood. The growth rate of IVF hospital in Delhi tells how much IVF treatment has increased in days.
IVF is not an easy process and it is a bit complex. And you need to be prepared for it. Mostly early preparation of IVF increases the chance of pregnancy. Here are some of the common things that need to take care of.
Sleep more
In the other important factors of the IVF, patients often forget to take care of their bodies. Sleep is more important than you think it is. Sleep is not about just resting your body; it can affect many things related to pregnancy such as sperm production, sex hormones, and ovulation. Having a good sleep is very important not only for IVF but for the health of the upcoming baby. Also, it is recommended by most of the IVF specialist doctors in Delhi.
Here are some tips that you can follow to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep:
● Avoid drinking some of the common beverages that can affect your sleep such as coffee, alcohol, etc.
● Do some of the activities before going to sleep including stretching yourself, reading journal, drinking tea, etc. These things help you to have better quality sleep.
● Follow a specific time to go to bed and wake up from bed every day. Maintaining time can improve your sleep.
A daily dose of vitamin
Vitamin plays an important role in IVF treatment. Vitamin is essential in the human body, and the benefits of these vitamins are unlimited. There are some of the specific vitamins that are focused on fertility. You can start taking vitamins 4 to 6 months earlier to improve the quality of your eggs.
Vitamins directly affect your eggs and even taking vitamins for a short time is also very beneficial for both the mother and children. You can consult any IVF specialist doctor in Delhi to know which vitamins are good for you.
Keep breathing
Among all of the other tips, this tip might seem a common one, but the most effective way to increase the success rate of IVF is it. Breathing deeply works better than any drug to get rid of stress by eliminating stress hormones.
You can do a variety of breathing exercises. It helps you to keep you calm, relieve stress, a good way of keeping yourself busy.
Leave drinking and smoking habit
This is known to everyone now that smoking is very bad for health. Both smoking and drinking can decrease the chances of successfully getting pregnant. You need to leave these habits before the 1-2 months of the procedure. Not only parents but smoking near the patient can also be harmful, so stop going to places where smoking is common.
You can visit Dr Shivani Sachdev to help yourself prepare for IVF treatment.
If you are thinking of doing an IVF treatment, following these ways can increase the chances of having a baby.
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