Vibrant Talent JobFest

Vibrant Talent JobFest

Fair Career Fair

Tue, Feb 06, 2018, 09:00 AM -  Wed, Feb 07, 2018, 06:00 PM

Contact details
Gauri Bhilare
Location details
Pune - Maharashtra
About us

AlmaMapper Technologies, Pune


“Vibrant Talent JobFest” on  6th & 7th February, 2018 

Golden opportunity for BE (IT/Comp/ETC), MCA – 2018, 2017, 2016 batches!!

500+ Jobs | 20+ Companies | Golden Opportunity for Freshers | 

Dear Candidates,

Greetings from AlmaMapper Technologies (previously known as VibrantMinds ) !!!

We, are glad to inform you that we are organizing an"Vibrant Talent JobFest – 2018" for Freshers for the mutual benefit of students and companies.

Eligibility CriteriaBE(IT/Comp),MCA /MSc/MCM 2016 & 2017 Pass Outs & 2018 Passing Outs.

Highlights of the Event:

·      Approximately 20 Companies participating in this event

·      Candidates can appear for multiple openings/Companies as per criteria

·      Companies participating in the event shall be considering the candidate’s Vibrant Talent Score (VTScore) of the candidate based on the Vibrant Talent Test (VT Test) conducted prior to be conducted prior to the event

·      VT Score for the applying candidates shall be valid for a period of 1 Year

·      Candidates will be provided 1 Year Premium Placement Subscription by AlmaMapper through this one time registration and Candidates can get Unlimited Placement Calls for 1 year


Important Points regarding VT Test: 

·      Candidate have to appear for the online test to get eligible for this event after registration called theVibrant Talent Test (VTTest) ( Note: There is NO Pass or Fail)

·      Candidates get a Vibrant Talent Score (VT Score)after giving this test

·      This online test will be of 60 Mins containing questions on Quantitative Aptitude, C, C++ and Core Java / .NET /Testing/PHP

·      This Test Score is valid for 1 Year and candidates will get annual subscription to Premium Jobs provided by AlmaMapper for one year

·      Candidates registering for this event will also beeligible to participate in all Placement Events for 1 Year organized  by AlmaMapper even after this event at no additional cost

 #To register for this event and appear for the VTTest pleas click on link given

Dates of the Event: 6th & 7th  February, 2018

 Time: 8.30 AM to 6.30PM.

 Location of the event: Pune (Exact venue will be announced soon )  

Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to appear to kick start your career ..... !

#Forward to Your Friends who are looking for Job …..This is an excellent chance for JobSeeker …!!! DON’T Miss….!!


Team Placements,

AlmaMapper Technologies Pvt Ltd

(Previously known as VibrantMinds Technologies Pvt Ltd ) |



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