Thu, Nov 23, 2017, 06:00 PM - Sat, Nov 25, 2017, 04:00 PM
Dubai Taxi Corporation is proud to present its first hackathon in Dubai! This 48-hour competition will require you to band together to develop next-level solutions to disrupt the Dubai Taxi Corporation services. Keen to hack the mobility journey and with an aim to improve the passenger experience, participants will be inspired to innovate customer service, safety, group travel, entertainment or even supporting business travel along with cool tech partners with an aim to win a slice of the 45,000 AED prizepool. Bringing together hi-tech student developers, designers and innovators from across the UAE to co-create the services provided by Dubai Taxi Corporation, miix your unique skills to form an unstoppable hackathon team! The ultimate goal is to create prototypes and solutions that will enhance the journey when using Dubai Taxi Services. Join us in Dubai! Register Now! the future of Dubai Taxi Corporation