Tue, May 16, 2017, 12:00 AM - Tue, May 15, 2018, 01:00 AM
5S Continuous Improvement Training Course - Lesson 1 Origins of 5S What is 5S? Where did it come from? The benefits of 5S 5S Continuous Improvement Training Course - Lesson 2 The 5S Methodology Unpacked Sort (Seiri) Clearing the work area Determine what you need 5S Continuous Improvement Training Course - Lesson 3 Set in Order (Seiso) Designated locations Design your workplace for efficiency 5S Continuous Improvement Training Course - Lesson 4 Shine (Seiton) Workplace Cleanliness Spit and polish Creating cleaning routines 5S Continuous Improvement Training Course - Lesson 5 Standardize (Seiketsu) Making it routine Design systems to ensure new norms The benefits of 5S 5S Continuous Improvement Training Course - Lesson 6 Sustain (Shitsuke) Changing the future Techniques to prevent old habits The benefits of 5S visit www.sdlinc.in 9600162099
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