3rd World congress on Medical Sociology and Public Health September 21-22, 2018

3rd World congress on Medical Sociology and Public Health September 21-22, 2018

Conference Educational

Fri, Sep 21, 2018, 09:00 AM -  Sat, Sep 22, 2018, 06:00 PM


Contact details
James Dillinger
Organiser : Conferenceseries USA
Location details
Dallas, TX, United States
Dallas - Texas
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Medical Sociology conferences | Community Health Conferences | Medical Sociologists Events | Sociology Meetings | Public Health Conferences

Conferenceseries USA  extend a warm welcome to the distinguished Nobel laureates, speakers, delegates, Medical SociologistsSocial Science Researchers, Social Workers, Sociologists, Public Health Professionals and Healthcare Industry leaders and Policy Makers, from around the world to USA, for attending 3rd World Congress on Public Health and Medical Sociology during September 21-22, 2018 in Dallas, Texas, USA

The theme of the summit Exploring the Sociological interrelations between Health, Illness and Medicine aims to bring together leading Medical Sociologists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Healthcare Professionals, Medical Sociology Professionals, Social Science Researchers, and Academicians, including Nobel Laureates to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Medical Sociology.

This event will focus on variety of Medical Sociology topics, including, but not limited to Community Health, Illness, Social work, Social Role, Social Medicine, Medical Anthropology, Race, Ethnicity, Mental Health, Pain, Gender, Genetics and Health Economy through invited plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions and oral and poster sessions of unsolicited contributions.

The summit is a ‘Rendezvous of the minds’ for researchers, policy makers and practitioners who are working towards more integrated approaches and effective responses to address community health needs. 

 Join us for two intensive and interesting days of discussing contemporary Medical Sociology and Community Health Research. We invite you to contribute and help to shape the summit through submissions of your research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Medical Sociology and Community Health are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.

 Professors and deans of health economics, Graduates from science and social back ground, Business analyst, Health care providers, Doctors, Physicians, People working in health care sectors, Health economists, Health care policy makers, Hospital and skilled nursing home administrators, Community care coordinators, People centered in health policy and planning, Faculty of Health Sciences.

 Hotel Venue:

Dallas, Texas, USA


James Dillinger

Conference Manager

Medical Sociology 2018

Healthcare Conferences
One Commerce Center-1201

Orange St. #600, Wilmington

Zip 19899, Delaware, USA

Tel: +1 888 843 8169, Toll free: +1 800 216 6499

E-mail: medicalsociology@healthconferences.org

  • James Dillinger must attend conference for public health professionals, healthcare professionals, medical sociologists, policy makers and young researchers across the world.
    14-Nov-2017,05:56:01 PM

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